Specialni teorie relativity str je fyzikalni teorie publikovana r. An introduction to the special theory of relativity. Pri rychlostech, kterych dosahuji castice v urychlovacich vsak tyto zakony prestavaji platit. Fyzika pro gym specialni teorie relativity prometheus od 73. Prosinec specialni teorie relativity, obecna teorie relativity 6 zakladni principy str 1. Albert einstein a vznik specialni teorie relativity. For now, let us look at an alternative cause and effect explanation of the principles just covered. Vznik specialni teorie relativity 2 zakladni principy str. Relativity both the special and general theories, quantum mechanics. Nahrazuje newtonovy predstavy o prostoru a case a zahrnuje teorii elektromagnetickeho pole reprezentovanou maxwellovymi rovnicemi. It is the purpose of this book to provide an introduction to the special theory of relativity which is accessible to any stu dent who has had an introduction to general physics and some slight acquaintance with the calculus. Mechanika elektrina a magnetismus molekulova fyzika a termika mechanicke kmitani a vlneni optika fyzika mikrosveta specialni teorie relativity lepil o.
Later, einstein was able to further develop this theory, leading to what is known as the general theory of relativity. Dalsi z rady monotematickych ucebnic fyziky pro gymnazia. Sbirka resenych uloh z fyziky pro stredni skoly iv optika. Fyzika pro gym specialni teorie relativity prometheus od 73 kc. Klicova slova specialni teorie relativity, sbirka resenych prikladu, pocet stran 44 pocet priloh 0 jazyk cesky. Albert einstein 5 preface december, 1916 the present book is intended, as far as possible, to give an exact insight into the theory of relativity to those readers who, from a general scientific and philosophical point of view. In the discussion section of the same paper, alfred bucherer used for the first time the expression theory of relativity german. Vsechny inercialni soustavy jsou stejne vhodne pro popis fyzikalnich deju. Relativtheorie used in 1906 by planck, who emphasized how the theory uses the principle of relativity. Zakladni principy a vychodiska specialni teorie relativity, obecne vlastnosti prostoru a casu, princip relativity. According to relativity, this must be reexpressed as the magnitude of the relative velocity between your car and the pavement must be less than 70 mph. Mechanika elektrina a magnetismus molekulova fyzika a termika mechanicke kmitani a vlneni optika fyzika mikrosveta specialni teorie relativity bartuska k.
Specialni teorie relativity ve fyzikalnim obrazu sveta, prostor a cas v nerelativisticke fyzice, eter a zakladni experimenty. University lectures on special relativity macquarie university. The term theory of relativity was based on the expression relative theory german. Doporucena pro uchazece o magisterske studium na lfhk. Leden fyzika mikrosveta 8 molekuly, atomy zakladni vlastnosti 1. Knihy potrebne k vyuce fyziky na vyssim stupni gymnazia. Zakladni poznatky specialni teorie relativity ve vyucovani fyzice na. Nakladatelstvi prometheus vydava koncepcne ucelene rady ucebnic matematiky a fyziky pro vsechny stupne skol doplnene o sbirky uloh, pracovni sesity, testy a dalsi metodicke i odborne publikace. Pohyb techto castic umoznuje popsat einsteinova specialni teorie relativity. Dokument vytvoril v ramci sve diplomove prace jaroslav joch na zaklade knihy karla bartusky kapitoly ze specialni teorie relativity za pomoci dalsich zdroju.
Aktualni temata i vedecke evergreeny, jak jste je dosud nevideli totiz nezkreslene. Special relativity interrelates space and time in such a way that the speed of light is constant, and the theory leads to situations where two observers can disagree over time intervals and. Fyzika pro gymnazia specialni teorie relativity kniha od autora bartuska karel. Pouzita literatura literatura bartuska, k fyzika pro gymnazia specialni teorie relativity. Moznosti elementarniho vykladu obecne teorie relativity. Svoji koncepci odpovida ucebnicim fyziky pro gymnazia a stredni skoly. Fc1008 teoreticka fyzika 1 specialni teorie relativity pedagogicka fakulta podzim 2019 rozsah 110. Sbirka bude vyuzivana jednak v ramci vyuky studentu ucitelstvi fyziky v ramci didaktiky fyziky reseni fyzikalnich uloh, budou ji moci vyuzivat i ucitele a zaci strednich skol. Albert einstein a specialni teorie relativity slideshare. The cause and effect light clock principles the cause and effect theory of relativity is different from the special theory of relativity in several ways. Zakladni kinematicke dusledky, minkowskeho prostorocas, prostorocasove diagramy, svetocary, kauzalni. Much of the material is at a level suitable for high school students who have had advanced placement in physics and.
Uvod do specialni teorie relativity ebooks na sst agc as. Specialni teorie relativity prirodovedecka fakulta up olomouc historicky uvod kinematika dynamika priklady odkazy. The general theory will not be dealt with in this course. Einsteinova specialni teorie relativity mff fjdp 7. Ucebnice, zpracovany podle tematickych celku, lze vyuzit pro tridy s vyssi i nizsi hodinovou dotaci. Specialni teorie relativity a zizali farma prezentace, ktera popularni formou objasnuje a vysvetluje zaklady str autor. Specialni teorie relativity, dilatace casu, kontrakce delek, relativisticka hmotnost, hybnost, souvislost energie a hmotnosti. Nejpronikaveji do vsedni fyziky vsak vstoupila jeho specialni teorie relativity, ana lyzujici sepeti prostorovych a casovych vztahu mezi udalostmi v jakemkoli. Cas od casu nam prichazeji zadosti, aby bylo mozne stahnout veskere audio soubory pro offline pouziti. V pripade specialni teorie relativity cerpa hlavne z lety prove reneho studijniho textu 16 pouzivaneho. Fyzika pro gymnazia specialni teorie relativity, bartuska. Amongst other things, this latter theory is essentially a theory of gravitation. Albert einstein a vznik specialni teorie relativity 2. Feb 16, 2017 albert einstein a specialni teorie relativity 1.
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